About Bristol Co-Op
Thursday, 9 AM to 12:30 PM
Bristol, Tennessee
TEACH Bristol meets at a local church in Bristol, Tennessee (near downtown Bristol).
This page is meant to introduce you to the "flavor" of TEACH Bristol Co-op.
(1) We function as a true "co-op" where all parents are on campus and involved in teaching or assisting in some way. The TEACH Bristol Co-op does not offer a drop-off policy; parents are expected to be on campus whether they are involved in teaching or assisting or have a free hour. We do not require all parents to teach, but we do offer an early registration incentive for those that make this extra commitment. Teachers receive no monetary compensation. They are reimbursed for materials only.
(2) We offer all kinds of classes - from highly academic to pure fluff! We try to offer a wide variety of classes and occassionally poll our members to find out what they'd most like to see. For the most part, our class offerings are dictated by our teacher volunteers. We feel that allows them to teach what they are truly passionate about teaching. We offer classes from Kindergarten through twelfth grade. Families must have a student registered for co-op who is Kindergarten or higher in order to enroll in Nursery, or Preschool classes. We do not have a Preschool or PreKindergarten Program but we do provide some class opportunities for the younger siblings participating in them.
(3) We do not follow one particular homeschooling philosophy - we welcome families rom textbook homeschoolers to unschoolers in our group. We have no rules dictating what curriculum must be used for any particular subject.
(4) Since we meet only once a week, we may have upper level classes requiring additional outside work and a weekly virtual meeting (i.e. high school math and science).
(5) While we aren't associated with one church, we are a Christian group with a statement of faith and we strive to be guided by Biblical principles in our dealing with each other.
(6) We are a large group and need certain rules to function properly and safely. Participants are required to wear name tags on campus and follow a code of conduct.
(7) We ask that both parents and students make a genuine commitment to their classes and attendance. For the fall 2024 semester, families are required to attend the full day.
(8) We are non-profit organization, fees are collected to pay for our facilities and expenses.
Fall 2024 Dates
June 2024 - Renew or Join TEACH
June 6 through June 21 - Bristol Co-Op Registration
June 27 - Bristol Co-Op Class Selection
July 11 - Drop/Add Date & Class Fees Due
August 8, 10 am - Mandatory Parent Meeting
August 15 - First Day of Co-Op
October 3 - Fall Break
November 21- Last Day of Fall Classes
You must be a member of Tricities Education Association for Christian Homeschoolers to join a co-op.
How to Join Co-Op
Our registration process is completed on teachtricities.com, including payments. There are a few steps in the registration process:
Step One: Join TEACH on June 1. Visit the TEACH website at teachtricities.com and submit your application for membership (or renew if you are a current TEACH member). If you are new to TEACH, complete the application on June 1 (or as soon as possible) and pay the membership fee to allow your application to be reviewed by the Board. You must be a TEACH member to join TEACH Bristol.
TEACH is a Christian Homeschool Support Group and a statement of faith is required. The Core Values and Beliefs can be viewed on the TEACH website.
Step Two: Join TEACH Bristol Co-Op on June 6 at 6 pm. Visit the TEACH website and log onto your account. Click on the "Calendar" tab and navigate to the month of June. On June 6, click on the event marked "Bristol Co-Op Registration" and review the information. Click the link at the bottom of the description to register and add one family member for the family. (This registers your entire family.) Please also mark the number of children in each grade attending with your family to help us plan. Pay the semester co-op fee before June 21.
Step Three: Select classes for your children on June 27. A detailed email will be sent to registered families with instructions on how to select classes and at what time registration will open. Class fees are due before July 11. Please pay all class fees on or before July 11.
Teachers will be preregistered for step 2 and will register before open class registration on June 27.
Daily Schedule
- 9:00-9:10 AM Morning Meeting
- 9:20-10:15 AM Class One
- 10:20 -11:15 AM Class Two
- 11:20 -12:15 PM Class Three
- 12:15 PM -12:30 PM Cleanup
- 12:30 PM Dismissal/Final Cleanup for designated families
Families must attend the full three hours for the Fall 2024 Semester.
Contact Co-Op
Contact [email protected] for more information or with questions. A committee member will respond as soon as possible.