What is TEACH?
Tri-Cities Education Association for Christian Homeschoolers
The Board of Directors is the Governing Authority over TEACH
TEACH is a Christian homeschool support group. The purpose of TEACH is to serve, encourage, and support Christian homeschooling families. This includes families who are anticipating homeschooling, families who are currently homeschooling one or more of their children, and families who may no longer be homeschooling but are still interested in ministering to homeschooling families.
Membership for TEACH is $35 per family. This membership allows you access to many opportunities to join other homeschool students and families in activities in our area. Some of those activities include:
You can choose to participate in one or all of the activities offered by TEACH. Some require an additional fee. You do NOT have to participate in a co-op to participate in other activities. Co-op is just one part of TEACH.
What is a co-op?
A co-op is a group of families that meet one day a week to provide cooperative learning for their children. You will find a wide range of classes from those that are geared towards social learning to those that are for high school credit. Elizabethton co-op meets on Monday, Bristol Co-op meets on Thursdays, and Johnson City co-op meets on Friday. The Virtual Co-op provides online classes that meet at various times on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. You may register for one or all of the co-ops. Each co-op holds a separate registration for classes twice a year. There is a co-op registration fee per family as well as class fees depending on the classes you take. Class fees are determined by the teacher and depends on the materials and textbooks needed for that class. Funds in a class over $1 per student at the end of the semester are refunded.
Why do I always seem to be paying a fee for something?
Unlike many other co-ops/organizations, TEACH does not believe in having anyone pay for things they are not using. If you have little kids, why should you pay for the high school graduation or for the prom? If you are unable to attend parties or field trips, you should not pay for them. So that means you will have multiple small fees if you join multiple things instead of just one large fee but, in the end, your actual cost will reflect what you get.
Do I have to register for the entire day of co-op?
That depends. Each co-op has different requirements for participation. Please read the handbook for the co-op you are interested in.
Do I have to stay with my children or can I drop off and pick up later?
One parent is required to stay with the children on property. Parents can tag team so one parent can leave, if necessary, but one parent must be on property at all times. Exceptions are make on a case by case bacis for high school students in good standing.
I see that some co-op classes only cost $2-3 while others are $50. Why do class prices vary so much?
In our co-op classes you are only playing for the cost of materials used as our teachers are all volunteers. If a teacher does not use all of the money on the class, the funds are reimbursed. So a $2 class is likely one where the teacher does not expect to buy anything for the class so only a resource room fee is charged to replace things used from there. A $50 fee is for a class where a lot of things are provided for the student, ex. A science class with dissections.
Do I have to teach a class?
No. Our co-op is led by parent volunteers and all parents are expected to assist in some way. However, parents are not required to be a lead teacher. There are many volunteer positions available and every lead teacher needs a assistant! Parents can volunteer in any classes, it does not need to be the class their child attends.